Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Enhanced Final Photo

This photo is one of many from my personal style assignment.
For my final project of the ROP digital Photography class, I chose to enhance and refine a photo that I had taken during the class when i went to my cousins wedding down in Carmel. She had her wedding on the top of a hill in the grape vineyards. I used this photo for my project of personal styles. To enhance it,  had increased the saturation, the lighting, and I added contrast to the picture. By doing these few changes, it created the picture to be brighter and more vintage type with the bright colors then darker shadows.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Pinterest's Photo Copyright Infringement Issues Get More Complex

Pinterest, being called the next Facebook, in just a few short short months it has rocketed on 
the internet to be the 16th most visited site. But this social sharing site has been facing a lot of criticism over its use of photos without attribution or permission. A few weeks ago on the measures that Flickr had taken to block images on their site from being shared on Pinterest. But, Pinterest uses a small piece of code that websites could embed to block being able to “pin” images. But they found that those measures may not be enough, and most websites haven’t adopted Flickr’s protection. According to multiple reports from Business Insider, the way the terms and conditions of the site are set up, the onus is on the Pinterest user. when someone adds a picture on Pinterest, they are required to enter a caption. If you don’t an error will pop up asking you to “describe your pin”. From the Media and intellectual property lawyer itai Maytal, that detail from the user could be the thing that keeps Pinterest from getting sued for copyright infringement. By adding a caption, the use of the photo could count as commentary, and commentary and parody protected under a fair usage. One of the sites terms anditions easily summarizes that if a photographer sues you for using an image illegally on Pinterest, you have to pay for your own lawyer and Pinterest’s lawyer, along with any charges against you and any charges against Pinterest. Pinterest is now working to find an effective solution to avoid copyright infringement.

By Kathleen Davis on March 20, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

5 people 3 angles

Sarahs front

Sarahs right

Sarahs left

Meagans front

Meagans left

Meagans right

Alexs front

Alexs right

Alexs left

Natalies front

Natalies left

Natalies right

Taylor right

Taylor left

Taylors front

I feel that with this theory of side and front angled pictures, you can deffinetly get the persons perfect side. Many people have a better side that they would rather have photographed for themselves to look better. With girls i found that many have a better angle of a straight foward picture and/or the sid that has the most hair such as bangs or a braid or any other hair accessory.